Living a nomad lifestyle does not mean you are homeless or lonely. In fact, in can be the opposite; it can mean everywhere is home, and you have friends all over the world. A nomadic lifestyle can be the adventure of a lifetime.
We were on a summer road trip when we had the craziest idea: An idea that changed everything. Since you can’t possibly experience everything in a week or two of vacation, why not live in that location for year. Live like a local. See the sights. Attend the events. Enjoy the local cuisine. The next year, pack it all up, and do it all again somewhere new.
People are so intrigued by this idea of working to live instead of living to work. Most folks can work remotely these days, and living in multiple locations is easier than ever before. We are one year and one move into this adventure. Here’s what we’ve learned so far.
What is a nomad lifestyle?
Google says, “The nomadic lifestyle is a way of life of individuals that move from place to place and do not reside in the same area for long. The origin of the word nomad came from the Latin word nomas that means roaming or wanderer.”
Wikipedia says, “A nomad is a person who moves from place to place rather than settling down and living in one area.”
Well that sure describes it! Living a nomad lifestyle means moving from place to place and not settling down in the same place for long.
That is what we’re talking about in the truest form. We live in a time where there are digital nomads, ex pats living abroad, and millennials living in vans. Why is it so far out of ordinary to think you can live a nomadic lifestyle without leaving the country, without needing a passport, or without changing careers? Trust me! It can be done. We’re living proof.
How much does this lifestyle cost?
That depends, really. The cost of living is different in each location. Research is your friend in this case. If you have a salaried income, or a fixed income, knowing your cost of living is one of the most important things you can determine.
The plan we follow is to live in one area that has a lower cost of living (rent, gasoline, groceries, etc), and save up what we can while there. The next location we can go somewhere completely different, maybe with a higher cost of living. Maybe the higher cost of living location is a six – nine month stay, while the lower cost of living location may be eighteen months to two years. It all depends on your income, where you set your sights, and the things you want to do while you’re there.
How do you make friends in a nomad lifestyle?
Again, the depends on you, my friend! I’ll tell you it takes effort, it does. But changing your perspective goes a long way when venturing into a new place. You change your routines and your habits. It’s okay to step out and find new friends, too.
A couple ways we like to meet new people is to actually get out and participate in local events. While living in Bowling Green, we attended minor league baseball games, hung out at the community fire pit with neighbors, and accepted invitations to dinner with people we didn’t know. But a funny thing happened: we found ourselves being the ones inviting newcomers into our circles.
Let’s be honest: We living in a digital age with connections at our fingertips and in our back pockets. Staying connected with friends is easier now than ever before. Living in an apartment and cottage community, we have neighbors come and go monthly, and certainly annually. Sharing phone numbers, connecting on FaceBook or Instagram allows us to stay up to date with each other, and to follow the adventures our new friends are having too.
Shameless plug: You can follow us on Pinterest or Like us on Facebook. Go ahead, we won’t mind if you stalk us 🙂
What could go wrong?
Well, okay, there are risks involved. You are generally faced with taking risks and lots of leaps of faith. If you are living a nomad lifestyle on your own, you’re going to need a support system. It’s not impossible, it just takes some planning and thought. Here are a few examples:
- Medical Needs: Today, most health insurances have apps for your smart phone that allows you to connect with a physician online. Truthfully, that’s probably quicker than you can get a doctor’s appointment with your local GP anyway. Full disclosure, I am a cancer survivor who needs medical supplies delivered to her quarterly. As long as I contact my provider with my new address as soon as I move, it isn’t a problem. (At least not yet.)
- Car repair Needs: AAA is an amazing resource for this particular concern. Depending on your level of membership, for one yearly fee you get emergency roadside assistance, towing, flat changes, battery jump, along with a whole slew of travel related services. *Not a sponsored post – I used to work for AAA*
- Security Needs: Let’s hope we aren’t moving into areas of ill repute. Still, for some, security and safety are a high concern. We love the SimpliSafe company *again, Not a sponsored post*. My husband is going to write an entire article on why SimpliSafe works perfectly for this type of adventure.
Are you required to pay taxes if you live a nomad lifestyle?
HA HA HA, of course! Render unto Caesar, and all that. It is an area of concern when it comes to filing taxes as you live and work remotely. Each state has it’s own laws and tax standards for remote workings, and you have to do your research ahead of time.
If you employed with a company that allows you to work remotely (from anywhere) you need to inform your financial department as quickly as possible – when you determine where you will be moving to next. This gives them time to file tax documents, get financial regulations squared away, and your pay set up correctly. Check with your employer first, to see if they allow this kind of remote work.
You can you’ll a resident tax return in your “domicile” state. That’s the place you left when you began your adventure, or the place where you’ll eventually return. Here is an excellent article by Fidelity that explains it much better than I ever could.
Living a nomad lifestyle
This is our dream. We only get one life, and we don’t want to miss a single minute of it. Are you intrigued? We would love to connect with you and talk about it. Living outside the box is where adventure begins. That’s what Forward Our Mail is all about. Oh, and we talk about some of the other stuff too. We talk about downsizing, apartment living, rentals, and living like a local. Come see what it’s all about. Who knows? You might find yourself living your own adventure!
xx, Billie
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