“What are you running from?” If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me that question. Living a nomad lifestyle is a way to experience life in multiple forms and fashions. It means living on the coast one year and living in the mountains the next. Sometimes it means living in an urban environment, other times a rural one. Maybe it means applying for a digital nomad passport and leaving the country for six months. Living a nomadic lifestyle does not mean you are running from something.

Running toward…
This lifestyle means something different to each person who pursues it. For us, we liken it to living on a permanent vacation. It means you move to a new city, state, or region and live life in that area to its fullest. This lifestyle allows you to see the sights, enjoy the culture, live like a local, and then pick up and do it all again.
You aren’t running from anything. Rather, you are running toward adventure, toward experience, toward memories, and toward life. We have seen so many people wait until retirement only to find they are short on funds, short on energy, or simply short on desire. They waited their entire working years to see the world, only to find they have lost their willpower, or priorities have changed. Living a nomadic lifestyle allows us to see the things we want to see, all while working remotely, and living our best years NOW.

Running toward freedom and adventure
The nomadic lifestyle means you substitute what others call stability for other things like new ideas, different places, different faces. In our case, we married young and raised our children; we devoted every moment to them. As part owners in a business, we dedicated our professional attention to building and sustaining a company. We were homeowners who spent weekends mowing, cleaning out the garage, washing cars and repairing the deck.
Once our children were grown, we were ready for something new – a grand adventure. Nomadic Matt says it this way: “Instead, I’m running towards everything — towards the world, exotic places, new people, different cultures, and my own idea of freedom.” (*I’ve placed a link to his blog in the Good Reads section.”

Places to go and things to do
This lifestyle allows the person living it to live a life rich with experiences and adventures others only dream of. All the while, living without the physical things that tie one down. Imagine, not mowing every weekend, no home repair, no maintenance bills, no home owners association dues. It is a life of freedom!
Even if it’s for a short while, a couple of years, maybe more, this lifestyle allows us to experience freedom; freedom to see, to do, to meet new people, and to dream. We aren’t running from…we’re running toward.
Good reads
Disclaimer: We are not travel experts, and do not encourage or advise anyone to embark on this life without first researching everything! If you choose to life a nomadic life, do so at your own risk.
In the meantime, here are some good reads for your enjoyment.
- Everyone says I’m running away – Nomadic Matt
- Discussion about “What are you running from?”
- An article to read if you want to run from life

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xx, Billie
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