Move out cleaning is not wasted time. Sure, moving is hard work. You’ve spent energy and effort packing, boxing, sorting and downsizing. Leaving a clean slate when you vacate helps the next person, and may help you get back any deposits you may have made.
This quote by St Teresa of Calcutta has always warmed my heart. I admit, sometimes it isn’t easy doing the move out cleaning, but I assure you, it is worth it. And by using a few simple strategies, and good cleaning products, the task won’t be as daunting as you may think.
Take a tip (or two) from the pros
Cleaning a room when it is empty is by far the easiest cleaning you’ll ever do. That is my first and probably most valuable tip. Once a room is completely empty, you can do all of the cleaning work without having to move furniture, clear clutter, or shuffle belongings.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, in my opinion, Melissa Maker of Clean My Space, is hands down the best professional house cleaner on the planet. At a very young age she started her own cleaning business – and learned a few things the hard way. She shares that experience with her viewers on YouTube, and with readers on her website. Here are a few things I’ve learned from her:
- Clean from the top down
- Clean a room from left to right (or right to left)
- Use the S method for wiping down counter tops
- Use a Checklist

Work smarter not harder
When it comes to cleaning, I have tried nearly every cleaning product known to man. Some I love; some I hate. There are a few, however, that have made cleaning chores easier than I could have ever dreamed.
First, I love multi-use products. I like to mix my own cleaners from concentrate, and I love reusable glass amber bottles. My three favorite concentrated cleaners are:
- #1, hands down is Shaklee Basic H. I used to be an ambassador for Shaklee products, but no longer participate in the program. However, this cleaning product cannot be beat. It removes sharpie marker from fabric, blood stains from clothing, grease, grime, and break dust. Literally, there is NOTHING this product can’t clean. It’s biodegradable, and if you have skin allergies, this one will not irritate. (Also, you can bathe your kids in it – It’s THAT safe.)
- #2, has to be e-cloth. I use the e-cloth products for almost everything. My favorite way to use them though is for cleaning glass and windows. Simply use water to clean with, and then use the buffing cloth to dry. You end up with a streak free, gleaming clear window with very little effort. Simply rinse and repeat. Oh, and they clean away germs and bacteria too.
- #3, has to be Thieves essential oil cleaner. Again, this product is biodegradable, smells amazing, and will clean literally everything from floors to walls to appliances. It has a warm clove scent that is sure to remind you of autumn.
Clean from the Top Down
When it comes to the any cleaning, this one tip is the most time saving. When you clean a room from the top down, any dirt or dust that falls will fall to the next lower surface, or to the floor. The last step of every room will be the floor. Cleaning the floors last insures that dirt particles and dust bunnies will be vacuumed, swept or mopped up before the room is complete. This makes moving out cleaning simple and quick.
Clean from Left to Right
Cleaning a room top down, AND left to right insures that every spot, every wall, every nook and cranny will be touched. Plus it saves time and energy. For those who hate to clean in the first place, this will be a game changer. As you complete your move out cleaning, this also means that nothing gets forgotten and you can rest assured the work was done right!
Do the Eye-Level Test on Flat Surfaces
Countertops can be deceiving, especially if they are a natural stone. They may “look” clean at a glance, but trust me, they probably aren’t. After I wipe down a kitchen or bathroom counter, I like to get down to eye-level with the counter top and take a second look. Most of the time, I see crumbs, dirt, or hair that I missed. For an ultimate clean, always give a flat surface the eye-level test.
I like to use the “S” method of cleaning flat surfaces. This is where you start at one point (I like the right side of a surface) and moving your cleaning cloth in an S pattern, you assure you only touch the surface once. This helps avoid spreading dirt from one area to another that you’ve already cleaned. You can read more about it here.
Clean your way out of a room
Lastly, when doing your move out cleaning, be sure to clean your way out of a room. You’ve cleaned top to bottom and left to right. You’ve checked all flat surfaces and now the room is clean. Cleaning your way out of a room means you can close the door, and know that one area is finished. No need to go back in for a last-minute check, there will be no more footprints on flooring and no accidental smudges on walls or windows.
Move out cleaning: Use a checklist
Let’s face it, moving out is always challenging. When doing your move out cleaning, use a checklist to be sure nothing is forgotten. You’ll thank yourself for it later. It will make cleaning a simple task instead of a daunting one!
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