Are you looking for easy ways to simplify your home? It’s the end of June as I write this. That means the year is half over. We make so many resolutions in January to declutter, simplify, and organize. Yet, here we are… still cluttered. Still disorganized. It’s okay! It’s a process and we are going to get there together – one step at a time.
Why do you want to simplify?
I think it’s always a good idea to answer the ‘why’ question first. Why do you want to simplify? Are you out of space? Is your home cluttered, your energy level maxed out, and are you stressed by all the things? Is keeping up with your home a second full-time job?
Finding your why goes a long way in the process of simplifying your home. If you’re only reason is because, “It’s January” and “Everyone organizes in January…” Then, you’re likely to fall prey to marketing gimmicks, follow social medial influence, and possibly lose steam before you reach your goals.
Figure out why you want to simplify – or better yet – why you NEED to simplify, and you’ll be more likely to reach your target because you know the purpose behind your actions.
Take the slow road
The early bird catches the worm, and the tortoise always beats the hare. Getting in a hurry in this process isn’t going to do you any favors. Good things take time and simplifying your home, my friend, is a very good thing. Yes, you may have to get up a little early from time to time to make progress, but it is worth it in the end.
But don’t rush the decisions. Deciding what to keep, what to discard, and what to donate will take mental and physical effort. But, like all good things, the effort is absolutely worth the pay off.
When you begin the process of simplifying your home, you may want to commit to getting up an hour before your children, or staying up an hour after they go to bed. You may need to commit to an hour on Saturday, or even an entire weekend. Making the commitment will render the results – and once you start seeing results that affirm your why – you’ll be unstoppable!
Start with the end in mind
A long time ago, I read the book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey. It was good then, and it’s still good today. He encourages the reader to ‘start with the end in mind.” That is also where I encourage you. Start with the end in mind.
Imagine your home in a state of peacefulness, calmness, organization, and serenity. It isn’t a myth. It can be done. In fact, it can be done so simply that you may not even realize it’s happening. Start with the end in mind. Imagine your kitchen, your bathroom, your bedroom, your closet, all in a state of simplified calm. There is a place for everything, and everything has a place.
You know your why. You have your mental image. Now it’s time to begin.
Have you ever stayed at a vacation home, a suite, a VRBO or AirBNB? What did you feel when you stayed there and what did you notice about the environment? My bet is you didn’t feel overwhelmed. I bet you didn’t feel stressed or chaotic. In fact, I bet prepping meals was easier, clean up was easier, and any chores you had to do were easier.
Why? Well, first, because you only took a portion of your belongings with you. Second, because the rental only had the items you NEEDED. When I started simplifying our kitchen a couple years ago, I found an astonishing thing. There were four people in our household, yet, we had more than 20 drinking glasses in our cupboard. AND, my daughter had gone away to college. That meant there were 20 drinking glasses for three people.
As I started thinking of easy ways to simplify my home, I thought a lot about the airbnb experience. A home suited for four people would only have about eight glasses. There would only be six or eight forks. Towels and washcloths would be approximately one – two per person. It occurred to me that I had entirely too much stuff for my small family.
It wasn’t our stuff was making me crazy, it was simply the sheer amount of stuff I had to maintain that was making me crazy. I desperately craved calm, peace, and serenity.
Consider the benefits
Before we talk about the easy ways to simplify your home, there is so much research around the effects of decluttering and simplifying your living space. Here are a few of the benefits:
- A simplified home reduces stress
- A simplified home saves you money
- A simplified home boosts your mood
- A simplified home improves your mental health
- A simplified home increases your living space
Psychology Today has A great article about the benefits of decluttering. Read it here .
Finally, here are some easy ways to simplify your home
- Start Small! Start with a drawer, or even a set of drawers like a dresser or chest. As they are decluttered and simplified, commit to keeping them that way.
- Use What You Have: Using what you have first, instead of buying new, helps eliminate bringing in more things you will have to declutter later on.
- Keep Counters and Surfaces Clear: This can be challenging if you try to start there. If you aim for this as your ultimate goal, getting to this point will be a well-earned achievement.
- Use it or Lose it! Ask yourself when the last time you used, wore, or played with an item. If it isn’t a seasonal clothing item, and it hasn’t been worn in six months, it’s probably time to tell it goodbye. If it is something like seasonal lawn equipment, you probably need to think through the decision a bit before parting ways.
- Make Your Bed: This one seems over simplified, but making your bed takes less than five minutes, and it does so much good for your mental state. You start your day feeling accomplished, and you get to come back at the end of long day to a tidy and comfortable bed to sleep in.
- Follow the 15-minute rule: We always did this with our children. If they were struggling with a task, we would tell them to set a timer for 15 minutes. After the timer goes off, they could be finished. When the timer went off, they had gained so much momentum they didn’t’ want to stop. You won’t either, I bet.
- Part with Duplicates: I talk about downsizing frequently on this blog. One of the best ways to keep clutter at bay is to make sure to keep duplicates under control. Here’s another good article on that 🙂
- Do a Weekly Reset: I like to do my weekly reset on Sunday afternoon, after my Sunday nap. Make sure your home is tidy, laundry for the week is ready to go, groceries are ordered for pickup, and meals are planned. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it does have to be reset.
Trust the Process; You’ll get there
When thinking of easy ways to simplify your home, remember to trust the process. Yes, it may be slow going. It may take time. Some days you may not feel like you accomplished much, while other days you may declutter an entire room. Trust the process. Remember your why. Begin with the end in mind. You’ve got this! Before you know it, your home will soon begin to feel more peaceful, more calm, and a bit more like a vacation home than a second job!
Pin it for later, gator!

Don’t forget to tell us your decluttering tips and tricks! We love a good idea.
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