“Act like the person you want to be.” That is the quote I found when creating a vision board. I had started reading “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod. (*this post is not sponsored) If you haven’t read it… read it. It’s so good.
I was in my early 50’s, a fresh empty nester, I was changing my career path, we had recently moved, and I was miserable. It wasn’t the move. I was excited about the fresh start and the new adventure. It wasn’t the empty nest. I was happy for my grown children. It wasn’t the career change – I CRAVED a career change. It was the staleness of life.
Do you know what I mean when I say, “the staleness of life?” I had spent years in the same patterns and routines and it caused my life to grow stale. On top of it all, during Covid, I started putting on weight. Not a lot of weight, under 20 lbs, but when you’re 5’5″, a few pounds adds up quickly. I was exhausted. I was grouchy. Nothing was fun anymore, and I felt like a caged animal needing to be freed.
That was when I found the quote. I sat with it for 96 days – yes, I counted – 96 days before I asked myself the question, “Who do you want to be?” That was the moment I put form to the void and created a new version of myself.
If you would like to work through this exercise, there is a FREE e-journal download at the end of this post.
Who is the person you want to be?
The first question I asked myself was, “Who is she?” What are her likes, her dislikes? What does she enjoy? How does she dress? What activities does she do? What are her interests?
At first, I found myself answering these questions from my present self perspective. But I remembered another quote that said, “Where you are now is a result of who you were, but where you go depends on who you choose to be from now on.” I didn’t want to stay the same stale person I’d become. There were so many things I wasn’t, but I hadn’t yet found out who I was.
Here is the person I wanted to be:
- A person who is kind
- A person who is caring
- A person who is available
- A person with boundaries
- A person with expectations
- A person who is loving and supportive
- A person who is attractive
- A person who is organized
- A person who is comfortable with herself
- A person who is interesting
What does this person do?
Wow. That was a challenge. I had been so many things for so long, but I needed a change. My life was changing, and I too wanted to change with it. And so I defined who I wanted to be based on where I was going, what I was planning, and how I wanted my life to expand.
Here is what this person does:
- This person writes
- This person supports and encourages people
- This person exercises consistently
- This person practices good mental health
- This person believes in something greater than herself
- This person tries
- This person doesn’t give up
- This person is a good friend
What are this person’s habits?
Because I was reading “The Morning Miracle,” I was thinking a lot about my personal habits and how they had formed my life. I was thinking of how new habits and routines could, in fact, transform my life as well. With that, I determined what my enjoyment would be.
- This person enjoys eating healthy food and chooses healthy options over convenience goods
- This person loves fruits and fresh veggies
- This person also enjoys an occasional hamburger or chicken strips (in moderation)
- This person drinks coffee fervently
- This person drinks still and sparkling water
- This person takes walks and lifts weights
- This person enjoys hiking
- This person is a blogger and a writer
- This person is married to her best friend and cherishes that relationship above all else
- This person enjoy a leisurely day beside the pool
What does this person think about?
I think about a lot of things. I think about the future; I think about the past. There is always something on my mind. But I wanted to think about important things as I embarked on becoming the person I wanted to be.
Here is what this person thinks about:
- Age
- Beauty
- The meaning of home
- Holding out hope
- The future
What does this person have to say?
Everyone has something to say. It feels like everyone expects everyone else to have something to say. Justin Timberlake and Chris Stapleton have a song about it…”Say Something.” I too fall into this category. I find myself with an opinion on most things – but they aren’t always beneficial for public consumption. So as I thought of the person I wanted to be, I determined the following:
Here is what this person wanted to say:
- A person who has a voice – but uses it for good
- A person who encourages
- A person who offers sound advice, IF asked
- A person who has a story to tell
- A person who knows when to be silent and when to listen
- A person who believes in a greater purpose and a plan.
What does the future hold for this person?
That part was simple. We had a plan and had put it into action. It was in its infancy, but was growing stronger every day. To be the persons we wanted to be, we had to become nomads, to be open to the next adventure, and to embrace change with open arms. When moving from place to place we had to encourage and foster new friendships. We also had to discover and develop healthy routines. And with all of this self-discovery, I realized something important: To be the person I want to become, I must act like the person I wanted to be.
With these thirty-some attributes I was creating a lovely person, someone I wanted to be. Someone I could be proud of; someone others could respect or want to know.
Who is the person you want to be?
This post has been outside of the normal topics written about here on the blog. I think they are very important thoughts to think, all the same. Do you have a dream? Are there goals in your life? What are your plans and are they being fulfilled?
I challenge you to ask yourself these same questions. Discover who you want to be and then act like the person you want to become.
Remember that sharing is caring, and we’ll see you soon, friend!
Love it! A great reminder that we are in control of our own life and can become who we want to be.
Lovely post was very interesting to read. I want to check out the book!
Gosh, you are so inspirational! I loved this post!