Do you struggle to find the motivation to do the things you truly want to do? Is your wish list bigger than your energy level? Are you finding it difficult to get traction on the things you want to accomplish? Well, here are three ways to find the motivation and inspiration to get you moving in the right direction!

More not less
When it comes to things like home decor, organization, and decluttering, it is better to focus on less not more. Less home decor means less cleaning, less management, and less maintenance. It means less time organizing, less time decluttering, and less money spent overall.
But when it comes to motivation and inspiration, the opposite is true. In fact, I recently heard someone talk about the benefits of focusing on more in place of less. Before I start to sound like a maximalist, or a consumerist, here’s what that means: Focus on the things you want more of and organically, they will begin to take the place of things you want less of.
For instance: If you want to drink more water and less caffeinated beverages, focus on drinking more water, and it will organically fill in the spaces where the caffeinated beverages once were. Or, for example, you want to eat more fruits and veggies and less processed snacks, focus on eating more fruits and veggies, and they will eventually take the place of the processed snacks.
To find motivation and inspiration, first seek to determine what you want more of in your life. Do you want more exercise, more time to read, more time spent with friends and family, more walks in the park? Do you want less time wasted watching television, less time spent lounging? Then, instead, focus on intentionally filling that time with the things you want more of.
Personally, for us, wanting more daily adventure has led to us starting this blog, moving, selling our home, and re-imagining life outside the box. For us, we focused on what we wanted more of, and over time it has filled the spaces of what we wanted less of.
Inspiration breeds motivation
Have you ever seen a photo of a beautifully decorated home, or someone who is fit and healthy? Do you watch videos or shows that leave you encouraged to get up and get moving, clean something, or create something? That motivation comes from the spark of inspiration. You were inspired by the photo, the show, the video, or the podcast. Therefore, you were motivated to take action.
Some of us struggle with motivation. In that situation, I highly recommend finding the thing that inspires you, and really dive into it. If you want to simplify your life, first find someone who has already done it, and seek inspiration from them. You’ll find the motivation comes naturally once you’ve tapped into the inspiration.
If you want to lose weight, find someone who inspires you by their own weight loss. Maybe you need to declutter your basement or laundry room. First, find inspiration from someone who has already accomplished that task. Pinterest is a great source for this type of inspiration. Everything from knowledge-base articles, blog posts, and photographs, are at your fingertips ready to inspire and motivate!
If you’re wondering what inspires us, you’re welcome to follow us on Pinterest.
Follow the 10-minute rule
The 10-minute rule is one of those life-changing lessons I wish everyone could learn and incorporate into their life. We used this when our children were in school, to take that walk and get in a little exercise, or when we lacked the motivation and inspiration to clean up the landscaping. The fact is, you can use the 10-minute rule for anything from writing that business report to cleaning the kitchen.
The dictionary tells us that inertia means “lack of skill, idleness, laziness.” But this is only half of the meaning. The full definition is this: According to physics, “things at rest tend to remain at rest, and things in motion tend to remain in motion.” Because inertia can be your biggest hinderance, simply getting started is enough to spark the motivation to reach completion. So set a timer on your watch, your phone, a kitchen timer, or a good old-fashioned alarm clock for 10 minutes. Then, start doing whatever task you’ve been avoiding or procrastinating. Odds are, you’ll find inspiration and therefore motivation to finish what you started.

Motivation and Inspiration
If you’re looking for ways to increase your own motivation, these are three of the simplest proven methods to help get you started. Whatever this year holds for you, go out there and reach for your goals. You can achieve them!
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